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来源:高校网 | 发布时间:2019-09-25 02:37:22 |  访问:43734

浙江大学海洋学院求是特聘教授张朝晖团队面向海内外招聘博士后研究人员,在海洋有机地球化学方面开展创新性的研究工作。方向包括,但不限于,藻类和微生物代谢机制及其稳定同位素分馏;沉积物中生物标志物及其单体碳、氢和氮同位素;古菌细胞膜gdgt的碳同位素; clumped isotope等。可以结合申请人的专业背景设计合适的研究项目。

实验室位于浙江省舟山市定海区浙大路1号,浙江大学舟山校区。实验室目前已经或者正在购买/安装的state-of-the-art仪器包括:agilent gas chromatography (gc, with fid/ecd), agilent gc-ms, agilent hplc-apci-ms, agilent gc-gertel fractionation collector (preparative capillary gas chromatography, pcgc), thermo tcea/trace gc-isolink-delta v isotope ration mass spectrometer, thermo gas bench/precon/dual inlet-mat 253 plus isotope ration mass spectrometer (capable of clumped isotope analyses, including cups of m/z 44,45,46,47,48 and 49), inorganic analyzer, accelerated solvent extractor. wet chemistry lab has all equipment for organic geochemistry research,以及冷水、热水、超纯水、直饮水、音响等非常友好的实验室工作环境。详细内容请参见个人网页:https://person.zju.edu.cn/zhaohui

申请人应该已获得博士学位,或报到前获得博士学位,并以第1、第2(列第2的,第一完成人应是该博士后申请者的博士指导教师)完成人在主流期刊(sci收录的刊物)上发表至少2篇与研究领域相关的论文,优先考虑动手能力强、具有gc, gc-ms, gc-irms, lc-ms等熟练操作经验者。





申请人可以直接联系张朝晖教授,将cv和statement of interests发送到达成意向后邀请来浙江舟山面试,邮件标题注明:应聘某某岗位+本人姓名+高校人才网。通过面试后,申请人按浙江大学有关要求()提交申请材料,由学校进行审查确定是否可以进站工作。人事管理方式按浙江大学相关规定执行。

postdoctoral associates needed

professor zhaohui zhang in ocean college at zhejiang university is looking for talented and motivated postdoctoral associates to join our team for cutting-edgeresearch in marine organic geochemistry. topics include, but are not limited to: 1) biomarkers and their compound-specific carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen isotopes; 2) archaea gdgts distribution and their carbon isotopes; 3) clumped isotope; 4) paleoclimate and paleoenvironment reconstruction.

our campus is located inzhoushan island, zhejiang province, a beautiful island off the coastline. the lab is well equipped with state-of-the-art instruments: agilent gas chromatography(gc, with fid/ecd), agilent gc-ms, agilent hplc-apci-ms, agilent gc-gertel fractionation collector (preparative capillary gas chromatography, pcgc), thermo tcea/trace gc-isolink-delta v isotope ration mass spectrometer, thermo gas bench/precon/dual inlet-mat 253 plus isotope ration mass spectrometer (capable of clumped isotope analyses, including cups of m/z 44,45,46,47,48 and 49), inorganic analyser, accelerated solvent extractor, etc. for details, please refer to the personal website:

applicants should hold a ph.d., and have published at least 2related papers in mainstream journals(sci). please send a cv and a statement of interests to. salary and benefits will be determined based on applicants’ qualification and negotiable.



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【 责任编辑:高校小招 】





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